Positive Vibes Only™️ Motivational Quotes in English

 Positive Vibes Only™️

Be strong when you are weak,

Brave when you are scared and

Humble when you are victorious.



Gossiping can make 

Actually strengthen the bond among two people or make friendship stronger.

So make as much as conversation & share your secrets with your closed ones.


Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. 

Confidence is the greatest friend. 

Non-being is the greatest joy. 




Build good habits,

Changing habits will change your life!

You cannot change your future,

But you can change your habits &

Surely your habits will change your future.


It is true that integrity alone 

Won't make you a leader,

But without integrity,

You will never be one.




S et goals 

E xercise

L ove yourself

F ocus on fitness 

R elax 

E at right

S mile

P ositive attitude

E njoy life

C are for others

T hink about others


Every thought you produce, 

Anything you say, 

Any action you do, 

It bears your signature.



Courage is not always when

A Lion's roar...

It's also the silence of Ants working:


▪Persistently &

▪Never giving up.


You were born to win, 

But to be a winner you must 

▪Plan to win, 

▪Prepare to win &

▪Expect to win.




Peace is present right here and now, 

In ourselves & in everything we do & see. 

Every breath we take, every step we take, 

Can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. 

The question is whether or not 

We are in touch with it, we need only to 

Be awake, alive in the present moment. 



Ten years from now, 

Make sure you can say that 

You chose your life. 

You didn't settle for it.



Stop comparing your journey with somebody else's... Not all flowers blossom at the same time.

It doesn't happen at the same time for everyone. 

Work for it. 

Have faith &

Be Patient.


You cannot protect yourself from SADNESS,

Without protecting yourself from HAPPINESS.


Live as if you were to die tomorrow,

Learn as if you were to live forever.


Anyone can be angry - that is easy. 

But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not easy.



The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.


Love your parents.

We're so busy growing up,

We often forget they're also growing old.


Sugar & Salt may be mixed together, but ants reject the salt and carry away only sugar.

So select the right people in life and make your life sweeter...

Two simple lines:

Don't make any close relation without full understanding 

And don't break any close relation with small misunderstanding! 



It's always in the extra action to the discipline not the extra inaction to the indiscipline that makes the impossible happen. 

A step is an action of decision, devotion, trust, faith and hope in the results from the journey. 

Have you been keen on your steps today?


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