Positive Vibes - Thememelogy

नमस्कार दोस्तो स्वागत है आप सबका Thememelogy.com पर यहां पर में लेकर आया हूं आपके लिए हमेशा की तरह एक शानदार पोस्ट Positive Vibes. 

पोस्ट अच्छी लगे तो शेयर जरुर करे धन्यवाद 

A man asked Gautama Buddha, 

"I want happiness". 

Buddha said, 

First remove 'I', that's Ego, 

Then remove 'Want', that's Desire. 

See now you are left with only "Happiness".

¶ #Buddha ¶


Thememelogy.com - Positive Vibes


It's not how early you wake up,

Or how late you stay up,

It's what you're doing with 

Your time when you're up.


Thememelogy.com - Positive Vibes


The best way to deal with excessive thinking is to just listen to it, to listen to the mind. 

Listening is much more effective than trying to stop thought or cut it off.


Thememelogy.com - Positive Vibes


You can't re-write your past,

But you can grab a clean sheet of paper

And write your future.


Thememelogy.com - Positive Vibes


Find 3 hobbies:

▪One to make you money,

▪One to keep you in shape,

▪And one to keep you creative.


Thememelogy.com - Positive Vibes


Everyone faces defeat.

It may be a stepping-stone 

Or a stumbling block,

Depending on the Mental Attitude

With which it is faced.


Thememelogy.com - Positive Vibes


Success means doing the best 

We can with what we have. 

Success is the doing, not the getting; 

In the trying, not the triumph. 

Success is a personal standard, 

reaching for the highest that is in us, 

becoming all that we can be. 


Thememelogy.com - Positive Vibes


Failure is a part of life.

If you don't fail,

You don't learn.

If you don't learn,

You'll never change.


Thememelogy.com - Positive Vibes


The secret of health 

For both mind and body is not to 

Mourn for the past, 

Worry about the future, 

Or anticipate troubles, 

But to live in the present moment 

Wisely and earnestly. 


Thememelogy.com - Positive Vibes


May your mind be 

Filled with good thoughts & positivity.


Thememelogy.com - Positive Vibes



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